Monday, November 2, 2009


The one thing that truly stood out was the color changes from the scenes in Mexico with Benicio Del Toro and in America with Michael Douglas.  The shade of yellow in Mexico was perfect in representing the dry deserts and seriousness of the scenes.  The blue tint gave a solemn and dark feeling.  The sadness is brought out more when Michael Douglas's character is trying to deal with his drug addicted daughter.  Although I enjoyed the film, it was honestly a little hard to follow watching it over a four day period trying to remember the story line between about three different yet connected people.  I also thought it was interesting how most scenes in Tijuana were shot with a hand held camera.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting--I hadn't spotted how the Mexican scenes had more handheld material. I am definitely going to point that out to my next class.
