Monday, December 14, 2009

Run Lola Run

Aside from Run Lola Run being in German it was very different from what we have watched so far.  There is one story line, with three alternates where some parts are changed.  Im still not completely sure what the significance is to having three slightly different alternatives to the story.  In every one the main plot is that Lola needs to come up with 100,000 marks in twenty minutes or her boyfriend will be killed.  She runs through the city to try and get the money from her father who is in banking.  She runs into various people and through a series of flash forward photographs we see their future.  The same people also have different futures in the three parts.  It is an interesting film and the heavy techno throughout it was enough to hold my attention.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

MEMENTO -What am i doing? Oh im chasing this guy...No, he's chasing me

Ever since I watched Memento for the first time over a year ago, it easily became one of my top favorite movies.  The fact that it is told in reverse order was at first hard to comprehend and follow.  Ill admit I had to watch it a few times before coming up with my own solid conclusions on who i believed to be lying and what story is true.  The compelling aspect of the film is that it is open for your own interpretation.  There is no definite answer to if Teddy was lying or being completely truthful, if Leonard's wife was murdered or survived it, what the true story of Sammy Jenkis is, how much of Sammy's story is actually Leanord's, ect.  The director Christopher Nolan has not even answered these questions.  The objective of the film being backwards is that when Leonard does not know where he is, the audience is as lost as he is.  The scenes in black and white are in chronological order where Leonard talks to an unknown person on the phone telling the story of Sammy's condition(it is implied to be Teddy).  Leonard solely relies on only his own handwriting and facts.  He doesnt take anyones word on anything.  One conversation that Leonard has with Teddy that stood out to me was at a diner where he explains and sums up why he cant rely on memory.  He says how memories can be distorted and are irrelevant when you have facts.  The camera is always constantly on Leonard so we follow him everywhere giving the fullest effect of what he is going through.  The twist at the end is we find out (if you chose to believe this is the truth) that the real "John G." was found and killed by Leonard a year prior with the help of Teddy.  The chase and investigating gave Leonard a reason to live, so (supposedly) he himself ripped and crossed out pages of police reports creating an unsolvable puzzle.  He admits in the voice over that he is going to set it up so Teddy is the murderer and will put it all to rest.  By this it is revealed that Leonard knows Teddy did not murder his wife, but will create a puzzle to lead himself to believe he did.  I also have recently watched the entire film in chronological order and i have to say its more confusing.  At the beginning of events (the end of the original film) when everything is revealed, by watching this first you dont understand what the significance of it all is.  After watching this you need to decide for yourself what were facts and what were lies.

The General

First, i'd like to point out that I officially adore Buster Keaton.  Although The General is not claimed to be his funniest (but rather best), it had me completely laughing out loud.  I will reiterate what I said in my previous post of Sherlock Jr... I honestly wish that modern movies now would have at least slightly similar aspects of this type of clever humor.  Words, or title cards, are not needed in this film.  Everything is explained flawlessly through actions.  As Buster faced some problems while first on the train, we know he will have more on the way back but this time with the girl.  Most of the problems he faced were solved by shear chance and accidental.  The climax is reached on the way back with the girl leading to a battle.  Buster's character is ultimately honored and gets the girl he saved.  Actually, I liked this movie so much I bought myself my own copy.  

Bicycle Thieves

The film Bicycle Thieves is about a struggling italian father named Antonio searching for work.  You immediately realize how desperate his family is for money when they are forced to sell their sheets for money.  With the money he buys a bike in order to be hired for a job.  Everything goes downhill once his bicycle is stolen, hence the title.  Other then knowing that this will cost him his job the real sadness if for his young son Bruno.  The film turns into a father-son story where the son goes every where with him in search of the bicycle.  With no help from the police they go everywhere looking for the one thing that every person seems to have.  You start really feeling miserable for these two and are as lost as the father is on what he should do.  The little boy's acting was surprisingly impressive for someone who appeared to be just picked off the streets.

Some Like It Hot

This film was overall very funny and entertaining.  The conversations between the two men dressed as women had most of the class laughing.  Creating the names "Daphne" and "Josephine", Jerry and Joe pretend to be women in an all women band to escape a mob who are after them when they witness murders.  They try to keep their identities a secret but sometimes have trouble staying in character due to falling for Sugar played by the icon Marilyn Monroe.  The humor throughout the whole movie and cleverness makes it a great film.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Penalty

There was about one thing that i couldn't stop thinking about throughout the movie; how much it must have hurt Lon Chaney to have his legs tied back and walk on his kneecaps.  I've even read that he could only keep the harness on for a few minutes at a time before the pain became too much.  Being able to act as he did as an amputee is amazing.  When he happily posed as a model for a Satan look alike sculpture, his face was powerful and actually scary.  The silent film lost it for me with the ending.  Im not sure if it was believable in the 1920s that evil can be caused by something wrong in the brain that can be easily treated, but now it is very laughable.  

Forever Young James Dean

In James Dean's tragically short career, he has been immortalized in his films.  One of these being East of Eden which is his first lead role.  Since this was part of our acting unit, i'll try and break down his acting choices.  James Dean plays the "bad son" who fights for his fathers love and acceptance.  His somewhat boyish and quirky  disposition is seen throughout the movie.  He can go from saying something with strong conviction to immediately smiling with a chuckle, and running away.  One scene specifically that caught my attention was when he is in a room talking to his mother and he cannot seem to keep still.  His jittering adds to the youth of his character.  At some points he even seemed to be muttering his lines in a shy voice.  Everything he did seemed so natural, as in I could believe if he acting just this way in his every day life.  Aside from his acting its necessary to point out that pretty much everyone (yes even guys) will admit that James Dean is the epitome of beauty where everything he does you cant help but love.  I believe that James Dean will always be remembered and remain an icon.